Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Man. Life has just been crazy lately. I'm not even sure when the last time I posted to this thing was. But I figure it means things are on a roll that I don't have that much time to mull over all sorts of esoteric stuff. Hmmm....esoteric, good word!! :p Must be the word of the day.

As for a small recap of my life since my last post, it goes something like this.

*Work all week, sometimes at night too what with the book store.

*Find time to be with the girlfriend on weekends, preferably in bed, as I can kill two birds with one stone.

*After all that, find time to see family, do some chores, clean laundry, clean self, and paint. Not in anyspecific order mind you. Just whichever one I can do at that particular moment.

So now I have alloted myself 5 minutes to type. And now I'm done. Hopefully things will slow down a bit after the holiday, but I doubt it. I have to finish this book or Amy (ie. girlfriend) will disown me, and I have no idea what I'll be doing job-wise, except that it'll be through a temp agency. Whoopie!! Although I am going to New Orleans for the New Year. So there is that silver lining. :p