Thursday, January 26, 2006

Smack ma bitch up

That's the name of the first mission in Grand Theft Auto 3. Know how I know? I bought it last night. Couldn't pass it up for 10 bucks. It took a bit to figure out the controls, but once I got that out of the way, I was carjacking my way around the city, blowing up other hoodlums and makin' it with the random hos on the street. Now if I can just figure out how to ramp jump my car onto the overhead train rails.....I came close you know!! Maybe tonight.......

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Yeah. I know. You know. We all know. Need to post more. :)

So some more highlights:

Had engagement party last week. Good times. Didn't know you get presents. Made out like a bandit (more than I made for my college graduation) and my mom got us a camcorder!! Awesome! Of course we haven't even opened it yet. :p

Looks like Memorial Day weekend of 2007 for us. So keep your calanders open for that weekend. Most likely it's going to be Sunday, since it'll be cheaper to get some things that day.

Got a raise at work. I just got it. No review. No sit down. I actually didn't even know I got it till a week after I got it. :p I checked my account balance online and thought there was a mistake with the direct deposit. lol. But my boss loves me (even though he pushes my buttons on a regular basis)

Speaking of pushing buttons, I am working hard on my attitude and contentious nature. Learning to be more forgiving of myself and others and generally try to mellow out. So far, mixed results, but it's better than no results at all. :p

I'm adding a new feature to the Blog. "What I'm Listening To" I figure someone would like to know. :p

Ok. Will try to post more and read everyone's blogs. On the "To Do" list!