Monday, August 11, 2008

You know you're old when....

....You're taking a walk with your spouse and you don't point out the cool cars or satelite dish or the pools at the houses you pass by. You point out how nicely the lawn is kept. Or how well the color of the shudders contrast with the color of the siding. And ooh! Look! I think they have a breakfast nook! I want a breakfast nook! And our driveway is too small. Look at their driveway and how big it is. Ugh.

Of course I make up for this with a rabid devotion to my hobby of collecting "vintage" ( though honestly, how can the 80's be considered vintage?) G.I. Joe action figures. I have a pretty decent collection. Lots of figures and vehicles. Mostly everything is in good condition and I have a great little connection at a local comic book shop that is constantly getting in new old toys. So I can pretty much walk in there on any given day and find a figure to enhance my collection. Now I just need to find a way to display all this junk! :p