Wednesday, October 19, 2005


For those of you who actually follow this thing, you may have read about an incident back in June or so where one of our guys was arrested in our parking lot for trying to molest a 17-year-old girl who worked for us. Well, now one of my good buddies, Dave, is caught in the middle of a tradgedy. If you don't want to read the article (or can't) the long and short of it is that he had been seeing a woman from his church choir for a little less than a week before her husband (who she was getting divorced from) shot her to death Friday night. And he killed her /because/ of another man (ie; Dave). So needless to say he's a bit broken up about all of this. But it's just kind of surreal. Was huge in the news and all, and I went to the service tonight to show some support with the rest of the crowd from the shop. Surprisingly enough, I ran into a lot of random people I wouldn't have predicted would be there. One of my old customers from the bank, one of my cousin's good friends, and the guy who got arrested for molesting that girl!! Guess he got a leave of absense from jail for this one. *sigh*

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I Love the Rain

There is no feeling like the one a rainy day creates for me. The pitter patter on the roof. The misty look of the land outside. It's like a dreamy feeling for me. You can sit inside, cozied up under a blanket, having some hot soup or a piping hot cup of cocoa. It's just soothing for me. Ever since I was a kid I've loved the rain. Maybe because it was dark outside, which reminds me of night time, and I'm much more of a night person than a day person. :p