Saturday, October 08, 2005

I Love the Rain

There is no feeling like the one a rainy day creates for me. The pitter patter on the roof. The misty look of the land outside. It's like a dreamy feeling for me. You can sit inside, cozied up under a blanket, having some hot soup or a piping hot cup of cocoa. It's just soothing for me. Ever since I was a kid I've loved the rain. Maybe because it was dark outside, which reminds me of night time, and I'm much more of a night person than a day person. :p

1 comment:

Amy said...

One bad thing about Arizona is the rain out here. When it does rain, all you get is a dirty water from all the dust, and your car is just a mess. You don't get that nice fresh just rained smell in the air. Just dirt...yuck :).