Thursday, December 01, 2005

December Already?!

Well. Time flies, don't it. I've been wanting to post for a while now, but haven't had any time. *Sob*

Anyway, some highlights:

Mom got married on the twelfth. Very nice time. They were kind enough to remember my father during the whole thing, and Bob (mom's new hubby) cried when he made his vows. Half the groomsmen showed up drunk, 10 minutes late for the service, and another one left before the pictures were taken because he wanted to get to the open bar at the hall ASAP. Mind you these were my uncles. *Note to self. Do not include uncles in my wedding party*

Went to a christening with Barbara and her family. There were 3 other families having the same service done for them at the same time, and there were about 50 or 60 children in this church and it was like a mad house. The priest is having to yell over all the screaming. Kids are yelling and running around and no one could do anything about it. It was hilarious and frightening all at once. *Note to self. No infants at wedding service. Want to hear priest without the use of a hearing aid*

By far the most fucked up part of the last few weeks was a 2nd cousin of mine (though in my family that means he's basically immediate family) being murdered. He actually lived on the other side of my neighborhood. Anyway, last Tuesday he was supposed to go and testify at this guys trial who had broken into his house last year. At 4 in the morning, someone broke into his house, set it on fire, beat him up, or somehow dragged him out of the house, took him in his truck a couple of miles away, beat his head in till it was a pulp and set him on fire in his truck before taking off. Really effed up situation. Now he was something of a drug user. No one knows how much he was into it, but I wonder if this had something to do with that more than the guy who broke into his house. Though I'd rather the Sopranos episodes stay on TV.

Finally, I'm going out with the girl tomorrow for a good time up in Lancaster, then taking a candlelit tour through historic Woodstown, NJ. She's excited, but I'm looking forward to Saturday when I'll be shopping at my aunt's Macy's store for her X-mas present. She's only getting one thing, but it's small, shiny and I'm pretty sure she'll be appreciative of it. ;P

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Hey, welcome back. I was missing the updates. :)