Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm Back!........Again!!

I know. It's been a while. And you have all been eagerly wondering what the hell I've been doing with my life. I can say a lot has changed in the last year. Got married, changed jobs (and careers), learned a lot about myself and who I am, learned a lot about what I do know and what I don't know and I've come to one conclusion:

I'll be fine, as long as I don't try so hard. :)

That being said, I'm having LOTS of fun trying VERY hard to make a baby (or babies if you believe the palm reader my wife went to).

Anyway, I'll be checking in from time to time to let you all know what I'm doing and maybe I can actually get some pics and movies up on here as well (now that I'm supposed to be all techy.)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Welcome back! Good to know that you're alive and well. :) Did you ever get the package I sent a couple months ago? Did you have a good 1st anniversary?