Monday, December 29, 2003

So here it is. A weblog to keep track of......well, me. I've thought about doing this for a while, but always felt like I have nothing of interest to say. In many ways, I'm pretty much feeling like I'm talking to myself. But hey, talking to someone is better then talking to no one right? :p Wait...... Anyway. Here's to hoping at least a couple read this. So, what happened today? Nothing amazing yet. Worked most of the day. Have realized that stuck up girl who is home for X-mas break and working at the bank is lazier then most and reminds me of me. :p Maybe that's why she annoys me so. lol. Managed to make it through the day without actually pissing anyone off or starting a major row about policies and procedures (which seems to be my Monday morning norm. Usually right after my oatmeal, but before my coffee.) HEY!! At least I can be counted on to do something on time every week. :) (Gotta take the good with the bad here right?)

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