Tuesday, December 30, 2003

You haven't lived life to it's fullest until you've managed to piss your doctor off.

I went today to followup my bloodwork to check my cholesterol. I knew how it was going to go. Lots of lecturing. Lots of tut tutting. But she made it painfully clear at the end of our little discussion that I should go see the other doctor in the practice to get "another viewpoint" on the matter. All in all I'm pretty pissed about that, but really, what can I do? No use getting all tiffy about it. She hates me, I hate her. We're all happy. :p

And it's my parent's anniversary. Not really sure how I should feel about all this. Mom never tells us how she's feeling, even if it's obvious she's feeling miserable. I personally don't feel much of anything either way about it. I mean, I miss dad and all. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him in some form or fashion, but I don't visit his grave often at all. Just doesn't feel like he's there. I don't know. Must be different for everyone.

Tomorrow it's cleaning day! Clean the car, my room, the bathrooms, the basement (before Cet throws everything out on me. :p ) and anything else that needs to be cleaned before our party on Thursday. And I MUST think of something to make for the party tomorrow night. Decisions. Decisions.

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