Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Yeah. So I've been EXTREMELY lazy about this the last few days. I wanted to write something, since I actually did stuff this weekend, but just didn't feel up to typing. So now I have to type even more to catch up!!! I went down to the beach Friday night in a huge rain storm, and of course, my windshield wipers weren't working right, I was driving in a place i didn't know that well with ALL THIS FUCKING CONSTRUCTION going on, and i had to pee like it was going to come out my eyeballs!! So I took care of what I could first, then made the rest of the journey to aunt jeanette's beach house. Stayed for a few hours the next day to do some PR for my t-shirt design, then came home. And managed to get my nose sunburned in just over an hour in the sun. ugh. sunscreen, must remember the sunscreen. So I played golf with the guys on Sunday, and was paired with my brother, which is usually a volatile combination. But I had the best round of my life I think, and we both walked away with $40 each! HUZZAH!! Now it's on to Kentucky for the Derby. I leave tomorrow night and will stay till Monday. And the best part is I'll get in for free!! I'll be able to go anywhere in the complex during the derby, even millionaire's row, which is where all the celebrities go!! Must have camera handy!! But fear drunk people when I go to the infield. I shall cross my fingers and hope for the best. :)

Monday, April 19, 2004

Nothing of interest to note really. Went to the grandparent's for lunch, came home and powerwashed the siding on the house, was dead tired when I returned the ladder to the guy I borrowed it from, which of course meant he would want to talk to me for 2 hours!!! Oh well, I learned some new things, so it wasn't so bad. Had crabs for dinner at the cousin's place, then back home to promptly pass the hell out. Only to do it all again today!! HURRAH!!! Well, not really. Just amazingly tired.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I cleaned!!! Yes. Me. I. Clean. Deliciousness.

At least a good portion of the mess that I have managed to create here in the basement has been either eliminated or otherwise disposed of. Be that actually putting it away or throwing it out, or just making a neater pile of it, it's all at least out of the way!! Hopefully I'll have enough room now to make some work. I really need to get off my ass. Some day I'll realize that you can't just half-ass your way through things and hope to have shit come out rosey. I just wish I could motivate myself on a regular basis. I need a muse. Or maybe I need to be my own muse. Some direction in general would help too. Alas, direction seems to be the one thing I can't give to myself. If I put as much effort into anything else as I do with looking at porn (ie. everything that comes with looking at porn) I'd be well on my way to a career. Sweet irony I guess.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I don't think it's a whole lot to ask to want to be invited to something instead of being expected to show up on account of it being family. My cousin had a birthday party yesterday, and I didn't even know she was having one till about 4 hours before it happened. The only reason I found out at all was from shooting the shit with my sister's man. So I wasn't very pleased. Then my cousin calls me FROM the party. It's already started and she decides it's time to call and ask me to come up. I politely declined. Now I can see a lot of people would say "She /did/ ask you. And you still didn't go. Why are you acting like a baby about this?" And I say, if I did go, the only thing it would have proved was that it was ok for her to completely forget about me. I would be condoning what she did, and I can't do that. I don't know which is worse. Not being asked at all, or being forgotten completely. It's a wonderful life.

Friday, April 09, 2004

Bitches ain't nuthin' but hos an' tricks. I asked her out today. She's just started seeing someone. Or so she says. I figure it could be one of many reasons. All of which are less then ego-boosting and don't help me feel any better about the situation at all. So I've decided to just forget about it and move on to something else which I hope will be more productive and give me more tangible results. I really need to get some art done. I would like to think that I can get something done. Here's to hoping once again.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Went to see the peeps up at the OPS center in New Jersey today after work. And the girl I've been talking to is CUTE. Petite. Young. Very nice. And there are a lot of girls like her up there. I had the whole place going. People looking over cubicles to see who everyone was talking to. I must have been really loud, because no one looked like they were getting anything done. hehehe. Anyway, I had fun, and we'll see tomorrow if she wants to do something a little more one on one with me. (Please God. Can a brother just get a little hook up?!!)

Monday, April 05, 2004

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Now there's a saying I like. I don't put much into it, but just say it a few times. It certainly has a way of rolling off the tongue. Though a great writer (who's name escapes me at the moment) once said that "cellar door" is the most eloquent phrase in the English language. I don't personally think it rolls off the tongue nearly as well as my phrase, but then again, I'm not a great writer, so what the hell do I know?! LoL.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I'm back!! And it seems that the weather up here is just the same as it was down there. Cold, and mostly wet. There were a few days that were quite nice, but the nights were cold, and the rain seemed to appear more often then not. But, good times were had. Lots of beer was consumed, lots of money spent, and lots of balls smacked around the golf course. I played like utter crap, but I still managed to have fun the entire time. And now I'm back to work for a few weeks before going to Kentucky for the Derby! MWHAHAHAH!! You /so/ wish you were me! lol.