Sunday, April 17, 2005

I can't get it so comments appear on my blog!!! WAAAHH!!! So you have to email me if you want to compliment me on my wonderfully funny/witty blog! (Because I know I am, and my mommy tells me so).

OK. Now that I've recovered a bit.

My day consisted of going to play golf and getting outplayed by a man who is dying of enphysima, carrying a portable oxygen tank around with him on the course!!! Now I'm not saying I didn't have fun (basically because everyone else was playing like crap too), but it would have been a bit of a boost to know I can play better then a man with more then just a foot in the grave. :p And I got to follow it up with a nice pasta dinner at my grandparents! Of course, I payed for it by moving my grandmother's bed into another room, and moving furniture that's older then my mom! (She ain't no spring chicken) Add that up with moving my cousin into her new house yesterday, and we're talking some serious muscle soreness! I'm waiting for the cramping at 2 am. Ever been woken up by a cramp? It's about as shocking as the time when I woke up half way to the floor as I fell out of bed. It's a definite sinking feeling. The one good thing is that my cousin gave me $40 bucks instead of $20 for my efforts! I thought it was one bill, but found out today that it was two folded together! which means coffee for me to wake up this week!! Good coffee. Nice coffee. Happy Mark. :p

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