Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Good Times

We had a surprise 50th birthday party for my uncle on Friday. This was my big coming out party with the bald head. My grandmother almost fell backward in the parking lot. My grandfather couldn't stop giggling (which for a gruff old Italian was kind of creepy), and my god-father says I must have done it to be more like him. (Though, to be honest, I'm about 1 of 3 people in my family who isn't bald anyway, so I don't know how much truth there is to that statement. This nice thing is, I can grow mine back if I want to. ;p )

Anyway, we get toward the end of the night, and my grandparents are drunk (they /never/ drink) and my grandfather's brother and his wife are alcoholics anyway. But my great uncle was completely gone. He would have fallen over, face first on the floor no less, if I hadn't been standing right next to him. So I take him and my great aunt back to their place. Now mind you, this man couldn't hear a 747 landing in his backyard, and she can't see how many fingers you're holding in front of her face in broad daylight. And here I am, sidestepping my way up the sidewalk to their house, him in my right arm, yelling her name to see where she's at and stumbling into the bushes and anything else that's remotely close to crash into, and her in my left, trying to judge the next step while yanking my arm out of it's socket. But like I told them, for all the times people have helped me through the same thing, I figure I'm due to help someone else. ;)

Then there was Sunday. Helped little sis move some stuff into the new place she has, but before that, we had to stop over my godfather's. He's digging this huge trench in his backyard for a patio and a brick oven (mmmm....brick oven pizzas). My brother and I decided to help him out since we're good guys like that. This would have worked out splendidly if I had brought some gloves with me. You see, when you use a pick ax to break up the ground for the shovels, it kind of turns your hands into a bloddy pulp. I didn't really notice it until they looked like they had been through a meat grinder, but hey, at least my uncle didn't have to throw his back out doing all this hard labor. :p Once the scabs heal I'm sure I'll be ok.....

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