Friday, July 15, 2005

Whine me and Dine me baby

I love my job. Oddly enough, working for a flooring company can be a relaxing thing. As long as I don't have any vested interest in how things go, life is grand. :) The guys are cool, we joke and poke fun at each other all day long (which, I think, is helping me get over my problem of being overly sensitive/defensive to such comments), and at the end of the day I go home. Though now I'm dreaming of work. Calling people and asking them why they haven't paid us yet apparantly fills up a large part of my mind these days. :p But it's good. No stress, ok pay, and good times. I even got free donuts and hot dogs for lunch today!! Rah!!

On a side note, I randomly talked to the ex the other night. She IMed me. Went well in that cordial, "Hey, how are you" sense. But I realized afterward how bitter and angry I still am about the whole thing. The idea that I'm not good enough for someone just sticks in my craw, but, since there's not a whole hell of a lot I can do about that now, no use in worrying about it. I have other plans and other things to occupy myself with for the time being, so life moves on. But I think I'm going to have to ask her to stop talking to me. I have two options. Tell her I've met someone else, and she doesn't like that I talk to my ex (which is what she says her new boyfriend tells her) or tell her my therapist said it was in my best interests to sever ties with her (which wouldn't be true, since I haven't seen a therapist yet, but I have a feeling that's what they would tell me to do). Ah! Decisions. Decisions.

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