Thursday, November 03, 2005


So the girl asks me to come over last night, spend some quality time. I say "Hey! I'll make dinner!" as the waste line needs to be looked at, what with all this bad food I've been eating lately. Get there, make dinner, but she's in a mood (seems to be a thing for women. Fine one second, moody the next). Anyway, long story short, it was kind of a frosty night, but I was willing to chalk it up to just one of those days when we're not in sync (a couple boy band songs spring to mind suddenly). She calls this morning, letting me know how much she liked the food (even though she wasn't singing praises for it when she was eating it) and that she was sorry for being moody. I said ok, still feeling like it was a little too late for that, but then I get flowers with a card delivered to the desk here. It says, "For all that you are, all that you do." Now I'm not much of a flower kind of guy. Actually there was a bug in the bunch who is now happily annoying me by being alive, but I was kind of irked last night because here I am, going out of my way to do something, and wasn't getting much in return. And while the apology was nice, the gesture of the flowers let me know that she's willing to go out of her way to to show me she cares. Very sweet. Nice rebound. :)


Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

Watch out, sounds like this one is getting you wrapped!

She sounds great. And yes, moods are a thing for women. You just have to love us!