Thursday, April 28, 2005

Singin' in the Choir, Just Singin' in the Choir!

It always feels good to be a part of something, no matter how trivial or right or left wing it may be. Seeing as I'm the Jesus freak of my generation ( at least amongst the people I know ) I felt the need to be a part of a choir again. I don't miss going to church itself, because as you all well know, I don't believe that active participation denotes faith. Faith is what you make it, but a sense of purpose and a wanting to be a part of a growing process (ie. listening to the scriptures, the sermons, saying the prayers and devotions), it all helps me get a better knowledge of who I am, and who I want to be. Plus the new choir I joined is really good. They do have a certain penache (pronounced 'penash', long A) for wise-acre comments and goofy play. This doesn't bode well for me, since I have a really oddball sense of humor and might say something that offends more then entertains, but so far so good! It'll be a lesson in restraint I guess. :p They're already inviting me to retreats and parties for the summer. I highly recommend joining a church group if you're looking for things to do. Only nice people and well-wishers there.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I don't think you're a Jesus freak!