Thursday, July 20, 2006


So if you are bored some night and want to get creatively drunk. Try a caramel candy apple!

1/2 Cup Sour Apple Pucker
1/2 Cup Butterscotch Schnapps
2 Tablespoons Triplesec

Everything should be freezer cold and you may want to cut it with a bit of water if you don't like the thickness of the drink (it gets to be like the consistency of cough syrup) but YUMMY YUM!!

I thought about adding a section in my sidebar for "What I'm Drinking" but decided that would make me out to be much more of an alcoholic than I can claim to be. :) So you'll have to content yourself with making you own drinks. I would suggest the WebTender. ( ) It's a great website that can be constantly updated and has any kind of drink you can think of, from party punches to shots to cocktails, you name it. The part I like is the section "In My Bar" You tell it what you have in the fridge (or the cupboard, you can tell it you have cayan pepper if you want) and it will give you a list of drinks that you can make with you selections. The one drawback is that it assumes you already have things like lemon peels and lime wedges, so maybe you should pick some up before going home to be Uber-creative. :)

Friday, July 14, 2006

Finally!! The Internet!

So something you might want to consider when moving into a home *cough*Amy*cough* is checking which rooms have cable and phone hookups, and which ones do not. Because if you go through all the trouble to set up your computer and speakers and printer and all that jazz just to find out that there isn't any way to get an internet connection in the room, weellll, let me just say that it's no fun paying for an internet connection you can't use!! After much thought (pretty much an epiphany on the way home from work yesterday) I have moved my computer from the garage (future site of my studio / gym/ Bea's sewing area) to the family room. It's not the best setup, but until I figure out a way to run a connection to our library ( love the library) and the garage, we must make do. Ah, the trials and tribulations of owning a home! Now if I can just jew down the price for this kid down the street to mow our lawn....$40!! I tell you it's criminal!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Wow. Been a while.

Ok. It's been a while. Some highlights;
  • Got my first professional paycheck for artwork via Mike's geocaching coin dealio.
  • My cousin got married and has moved to Fort Worth, Texas. *sniffle*
  • My sister's bridal shower was marred by the fact that half of her fiance's family wasn't invited. So she gets another shower. This one not a surprise. :)
  • WE BOUGHT A HOUSE. This is the big one of course. It was a horrible mess, what with the mortgage company screwing everything up left and right. We actually did a dry settlement, which means we signed the papers, but the money didn't get wired until the next day. So we moved all of our stuff in on Thursday, slept on the floor in the old apartment, and actually stayed at the house on Friday. So now we are moved in, settling ourselves some, and basically trying to make a life. Rah!

So I'm going to try and update this thing from time to time. I really want to. We won't have internet service at the house till Monday ( I could go on for days about how these utility companies screw the hell out of you on a regular basis, but I won't waste your time with it) so it'll be a few days before I can post anything else. I'm going to see Superman tonight, which I heard is a pretty good movie, and I'll hopefully be getting the last disc of the first season Lost sometime next week, so I can wrap that up (I'm a Netflix junkie now). Then it's on to the first season of 24!! Love that show!

By the way. Check this out! It's the funniest Star Wars parody I've seen yet!