Friday, July 14, 2006

Finally!! The Internet!

So something you might want to consider when moving into a home *cough*Amy*cough* is checking which rooms have cable and phone hookups, and which ones do not. Because if you go through all the trouble to set up your computer and speakers and printer and all that jazz just to find out that there isn't any way to get an internet connection in the room, weellll, let me just say that it's no fun paying for an internet connection you can't use!! After much thought (pretty much an epiphany on the way home from work yesterday) I have moved my computer from the garage (future site of my studio / gym/ Bea's sewing area) to the family room. It's not the best setup, but until I figure out a way to run a connection to our library ( love the library) and the garage, we must make do. Ah, the trials and tribulations of owning a home! Now if I can just jew down the price for this kid down the street to mow our lawn....$40!! I tell you it's criminal!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

You have a library! I'm jealous! Sounds like a big house. Ok, so its even worse when you get to pick exactly where you want the phone/cable connections, and you still miss putting on in the room you plan on making the office. However, right now we just use a wireless router, so I assume we plan on keeping that up. That way you can put the cable modem anywhere and have internet anywhere. Nice for laptops (but we don't have one). So you might want to look into that. At least we don't have to pay anyone to mow our lawn, yet...considering our backyard is just a bunch of dirt :). I'm sure I'll be online soon with my own home ownership stories!