Sunday, June 27, 2004

After 1 and a half years (and if you count actual sex it would be over 2) I have been with a women in a more then familiar way. Yay me! Not like I seduced her or anything. It was very much a mutual thing, but sometimes you just need to get laid, and I have. So MWHHAAHHAA!! Anyway, I'm spent. So more will come later.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

If there is such a thing as someone's double, I think I've found Jenn's (My ex-fiancee') This girl doesn't look or sound like Jenn, but she talks, acts, thinks, and pretty much does everything the way Jenn used to. Very opinionated about everything, doesn't want to make decisions, but loves to criticize yours, and has a nasty habit of pointing out everything you do wrong and laughing at it. I'm still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she is falling dangerously close to that line where I can't even fathom something long term with her. It'd be too much like living in hell. But I'll do her. Don't get me wrong. As long as I've been without, I think I'm due for a little action. And that might sound like an asshole thing to say, but I think I've been on this end of the stick long enough. Time to enjoy the comforts of a woman for a while. And don't fret for her. If she's anything like Jenn, she needs to be taken down a notch or two anyway from that pedestal she's on.

P.S. Yes, I'm an asshole, but fuck it. Gotta be sometime.

Monday, June 21, 2004

I ran again today!! And I ran well!! Of course I still felt like I was going to die, but I felt good about the accomplishment. I also had a "drink" (which was more like 3 or 4) with a nice girl last night. Better then I thought it would be. We're going out tomorrow to see Dodgeball!! Rah! Updates shall ensue.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Oh jogging, how I hate thee. Let me count the ways.

1.) The feeling like my heart is going to burst out of my chest like the alien from the alien movies at any moment.

2.) Assholes who feel a need to say shit to you as you jog by them in the park.

3.) the shin splints, hip pointers, muscle cramps, and various other physical ailments that come with doing something you rarely have done and are almost unwilling to do.

Please let this all pass, as I am running out of interesting ways to lose weight other then eating like a rabbit which is against my religion and most any other fiber in my being.


P.S. bastard.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Went to the Italian Festival tonight. Had a good time. Went with my uncle, met up with some family, but he and I basically walked around and ran into people we knew, ate some food, drank some spirits, and really just did what us Italians do. Mingle. We're minglers. ;P Saw some cute girls, and dodged raindrops. All in all a good time. I like running into people I know. Makes me fell like I'm a part of something. And I guess that's what it's really all about. Even people you don't like. I ran into our financial advisor, who I think is a prick and not very good at his job, but I'm sure he liked that I came up and said somethng (since he was alone with his wife and looked like he could use the conversation) and I liked that I knew someone there. Of course after that I ran into like 50 people, but you have to start somewhere. :p

Monday, June 14, 2004

Fuck me in the goat ass!! This virus is just a pain. But at least I can get online. Not in the way I want to, but something is better then nothing. I'll say something tomorrow, when i'm not as angry about all this crap.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Yes, it has been a while, hasn't it. That's what happens when your computer gets a virus that shuts the fucker down, then when you restart it, it has all these critical function errors. Huzzah. fuckers. So I'm using the old computer here and there, and figured now might be a good time to post something. PLayed golf today. You get one heck of a workout when you take 104 shots. :p And my brother's 30th birthday is Tuesday. We're supposed to be surprising him with a trip to see the Phillies in the new ballpark, though I don't see why we can't just tell him outright and go. oh well. I need to scrounge up some cash to pay for his ticket. I think that would be something nice. let everyone else try and get him drunk. :p And I'm running now. Not like now, now. But every night. For about 45 minutes or so. Usually I just do about two circuits around the neighborhood and the park. That pretty much does me in as it is. :p Some day I might lose weight. Have to go eat revioli now though. LOL

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well, life is just fucking roses sometimes. :) I mean, how I manage not to get fired is beyond me. Had another difference the other day, but they decided it was a recovery of a difference from a couple weeks ago. Which it obviously wasn't, but these women love me way too much to let me go. MWAHAHAHAH!!! Of course this also means I've had a serious craving for alcohol the last week or so. I've had some beers, but I think I've managed pretty well. Then this whole fucking woman thing. I've decided internet women are worse then the ones you meet at bars. These chicks have no time for dicking around and get mad if you're not their boyfriend by the third date. And god forbid you should be on time!! They say call. I call, no one's home. Then they have the fucking gall to ask me what I've been up to. FUCKING TRYING TO CALL YOU WHORE!!! Agh!! Oh well. Gives me time to paint. Too bad I don't paint angry anymore. It's all children's book stuff now. huzzah.