Saturday, August 21, 2004

Same 'ol same 'ol I guess. Nothing spectacular happening, which isn't bad, just not newsworthy. I've been reading a lot of articles on over the past week and it's all craziness. People being raped and stabbed, or a child choking to death on a piece of popcorn. The sickest one was this homicide down in Florida they dubbed "The X-box slayings". These guys were squatting at a house and were kicked out by the granddaughter of the owners. They threatened her and her friends for about a week or so, saying they were going to come to the house and beat them with baseball bats while they were sleeping. The girl called the police a half a dowzen times but they couldn't do anything. So one night, these guys came to the house with aluminum bats and beat her and her friends to death. Then took some of the house knives and stabbed them a shitload of times. They said there was blood on the walls, the ceilings, everywhere. While I was reading itI just kept thinking of Manson. Sounded just like it. They said the girl was beaten so bad, she couldn't be identified with dental records. And by the way. there was an x-box in the house that had belonged to the squatters, so I guess the media needed a reason to tie these murders to Bill Gates. Assholes. Anyway, my life is much better then that, when putting it in perspective.

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