Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Days Off

It's good to have a day off from time to time. Wish I could have been paid for it, but such is life in the big world. So I tried to get some painting done. Only problem is that I was interrupted about every half an hour or so by people who needed me to do them a favor. Gar. I wish people would leave me alone from time to time. Either that, or I need to start being more needy!! Yeah! That's it! Start making people do things I would do normally, but feel the need to ask them to do. And making them feel guilty about it if they say no! HA! MWHAHAHAH!!! It's so crazy, it just might work!!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hopeless Causes

I try to tell my drinking buddy that it's no use going above your station when you're at a bar. It seems to me that only certain kinds of people can talk to other kinds of people. Now in my case, it's either fat chicks, or the quiet types. I can't go and talk to some hot, blonde sun goddess. They're looking for something else I guess. I try to tell my friend this, but he persists in going after them when we're at bars. And, as wingman, I'm forced to watch the carnage that is his conversations with them. That is, when he actually gets to talk to them. Tonight being a perfect example. Every chick he talked to tonight blew him off. And I don't mean just acted nice and chatted for a bit before we all turned away to our seperate groups again. I mean, they put up hands, they completely turned away, and in most cases just ignored him completely like he wasn't there! I felt bad. I hate seeing it happen on TV, let alone in real life. Of course, I can change the channel at home. I have to stay there and witness it when I'm out at a bar. So I was forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol to numb myself to his pain, which usually leads to an overwhelming urge to dance, which I was doing when he said he wanted to leave. *sigh* Just when I'm starting to enjoy myself too. Oh well. I'll have to find something to do with this buzz now. Lord knows what that might be. Probably go and pass out in bed. Why not. I have a long day of shoveling dirt (for my grandfather) and drinking (at my cousin's house warming party) to do, so I might as well get some sleep.

Other highlights of the week include:

My mother's graduation today (MBA in Accounting) in which my camera's batteries died about 2 minutes into the ceremony.

My good friends having their first child (Baby Zig has officially named itself Alexander apparently)

And I've managed to ingratiate myself to yet another group of retirees (the church choir has adopted me as the official young guy, though there is one cute 22 year old girl in it, so that at least gives me something to live for. :p )

Tada. There's my fucking life. Hoorah.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Give in to your hate!

Saw Star Wars. Liked it. Will have to see it again as my mother was sitting next to me, and was giggling and laughing the entire time. She wasn't drunk or anything, she's just amazingly happy these days with being in love. She's met a guy and they're getting married in November. We're doing the whole shebang too. White dress, tuxes, the whole deal. And guess who's in the wedding party. That's right, all of us kids (my brother, my sister and myself) and other family members. This is going to be such a weird friggin' event. I mean, who is part of the wedding party to theire mother's wedding?!! Maybe it's just because my parents were always together and there weren't any divorces and remarriages or anything, but it's just weird. I'm not saying anything though, because it's her life, her wedding, yada yada yada. Hopefully she'll remember that at my wedding. :) Anyway, Star Wars. Good stuff. I'll have to see it again to make sure it was, or if I'm just one of the mindless rabble who will say it's great because the title says "Star Wars".

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Poker Anyone?

I soooo overplayed my hand today. I was told by my cousin Michelle a week or so ago that Citibank needed testers for their new programs and I would be a shoe-in for a job there. It pays a couple dollars more an hour then my current job at the flooring company, so I thought "Hey! Sounds great!" So I told the boss that I had an opportunity elsewhere and told him he might want to think about looking for a replacement for me. I made sure he knew I wouldn't just up and leave him (like my predecessor did) and that was a good thing. Because when I called the temp agency who deals with Citibank, the headhunter there was confused. Seems there weren't any spots open for them to even fill, let alone interview me for!! So I had to do some scrambling and talk my current boss into letting me take over the Office Manager position till the end of the year. This will probably work out well for my resume', but flooring just doesn't excite me like I think they want me to be excited about it. Soooooo....we'll see where this all goes. Hopefully I can make a little more than I am now, and eventually get on a better financial footing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Just the usual day in, day out crap going on. Nothing spectacular. I may be switching jobs again, unless the one I am at right now ponies up some serious cash for my services. I went from being a helper guy to office manager in less time then it takes to rip a fart. So that's been kind of grating on me. But the boss man did take myself and the other guys in the office to the Capital Grille last night. It's a super nice steak joint in Philly. I took it upon myself to have the porterhouse, because I figure if I'm going to have steak, I might as well do it right! So I did. And today I'm not eating at all to make up for the gorging that I put on yesterday. ( I also had donuts and sweetened coffe for breakfast and a horrible lunch of fast food, so it's not like I only had one meal of bad stuff) But I'll probably end up eating something sooner or later as my stomach is saying "You bastard! Don't tease me like this!"

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Chasing Dreams, by Mark Spalding

Chasing Dreams is like
Catching a spider's web.
You know it's there, within your grasp.
But if you do not concentrate, and focus yourself
You will miss it more often then grab it.

Gossamar wings have more substance than a dream.
But if you chase after them, and hold tight to you dreams
They will be stronger then any stone wall, or iron bar.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mr. Blackbird: Born, October 2002 Died, May 7th, 2005

It had to happen sooner or later. And Mr. Blackbird caught me on a bad weekend. Haven't been in the best of moods, and a freakishly spastic bird flying around the basement wasn't conducive to my recovery. I do feel bad that it had to happen, but I haven't seen any birds flying around the basement since. And it's not like I didn't give it a chance. I gave it two!! But, old habits die hard, and in this case the habit is what caused Mr. Blackbird's demise. Alas, poor Mr. Blackbird! I knew thee well! And so on and so forth.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Birds, Booze, and Star Wars

What with the impending arrival of the third and final prequel in the Star Wars series, I thought it would be a good idea to let the people I know that haven't seen any of the original movies yet (they are many oddly enough) get a chance to see them in High Definition! That's right! A long overdue Star Wars/drinking games movie night! Fun Fun Fun. And it can't come at a better time. Because that damn bird is back again!! You're gonna DIE BIRD!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

You know you have a problem when....

...you sit in your car after an interview and wonder whether or not you were staring at the interviewer's cleavage for more then 5 seconds. And if the interviewer noticed it or not. Or if you did it more then the 3 or 4 times you remember doing it. God it's tough being a man!! It's not like she even had a big bosom or anything. I'm guessing it's engrained in my psyche. Probably in every man's psyche. If you see skin, look. Don't just look though. Stare. But don't stare, ogle! Now I doubt this had any bearing on my interview, as we pretty much decided I should contact them in November (it's a teaching job at the local art college, and they already have the next semester wrapped up), but you just have to wonder if she noticed!! Gah!

Another nice thing that did happen today is I found out it was just a faulty connection in my car's steering column, so it took them about 2 minutes to fix it!! Rah! So all I have to pay is the $45 for the tow job to my uncle's shop. Much better then the $600 I thought I was going to be paying.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Everybody Wins!

All of you PETA fans will be happy to know that Mr. Blackbird and I came to a reckoning this morning. He would fly upstairs to the kitchen, and then the family room. And I would allow him to fly out of the back to door to the relative safety of the woods behind the house. This way, I didn't have to brain the bastard again, and Mr. Blackbird didn't have to feel my wrath. Yay us! And the upside of me not having my car for the next few days (or week, depending on how much work my uncle has at his shop) is that I get to use my mom's camaro! RAH!! 2002 convertible? I'm awesome! Rah! RAH RAH RAH! Take that establishment!