Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hopeless Causes

I try to tell my drinking buddy that it's no use going above your station when you're at a bar. It seems to me that only certain kinds of people can talk to other kinds of people. Now in my case, it's either fat chicks, or the quiet types. I can't go and talk to some hot, blonde sun goddess. They're looking for something else I guess. I try to tell my friend this, but he persists in going after them when we're at bars. And, as wingman, I'm forced to watch the carnage that is his conversations with them. That is, when he actually gets to talk to them. Tonight being a perfect example. Every chick he talked to tonight blew him off. And I don't mean just acted nice and chatted for a bit before we all turned away to our seperate groups again. I mean, they put up hands, they completely turned away, and in most cases just ignored him completely like he wasn't there! I felt bad. I hate seeing it happen on TV, let alone in real life. Of course, I can change the channel at home. I have to stay there and witness it when I'm out at a bar. So I was forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol to numb myself to his pain, which usually leads to an overwhelming urge to dance, which I was doing when he said he wanted to leave. *sigh* Just when I'm starting to enjoy myself too. Oh well. I'll have to find something to do with this buzz now. Lord knows what that might be. Probably go and pass out in bed. Why not. I have a long day of shoveling dirt (for my grandfather) and drinking (at my cousin's house warming party) to do, so I might as well get some sleep.

Other highlights of the week include:

My mother's graduation today (MBA in Accounting) in which my camera's batteries died about 2 minutes into the ceremony.

My good friends having their first child (Baby Zig has officially named itself Alexander apparently)

And I've managed to ingratiate myself to yet another group of retirees (the church choir has adopted me as the official young guy, though there is one cute 22 year old girl in it, so that at least gives me something to live for. :p )

Tada. There's my fucking life. Hoorah.

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