Thursday, May 19, 2005

Poker Anyone?

I soooo overplayed my hand today. I was told by my cousin Michelle a week or so ago that Citibank needed testers for their new programs and I would be a shoe-in for a job there. It pays a couple dollars more an hour then my current job at the flooring company, so I thought "Hey! Sounds great!" So I told the boss that I had an opportunity elsewhere and told him he might want to think about looking for a replacement for me. I made sure he knew I wouldn't just up and leave him (like my predecessor did) and that was a good thing. Because when I called the temp agency who deals with Citibank, the headhunter there was confused. Seems there weren't any spots open for them to even fill, let alone interview me for!! So I had to do some scrambling and talk my current boss into letting me take over the Office Manager position till the end of the year. This will probably work out well for my resume', but flooring just doesn't excite me like I think they want me to be excited about it. Soooooo....we'll see where this all goes. Hopefully I can make a little more than I am now, and eventually get on a better financial footing.

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