Sunday, August 28, 2005

The weather's changed

I only get sick twice a year. When the weather goes from cold to warm in the Spring, and it goes from hot to cool in the Fall. So I now have a sinus issue that's been going on since Friday. Today it comes with a side of headache. Could be worse though. It doesn't put me out of commission like other people, and at least one nostril isn't clogged up, so I don't have to breath through my mouth!

In other news, we had our fantasy football draft yesterday. Things went well with that. The Jedi Knights will rise up and take the championship this year!!! HUZZAH!!

After that, we had a cocktail/engagement party for my mom and Bob. It was nice. Met a lot of his peeps, good times. Mom looked great. Had this white dress, curled hair, people thought she was in her thirties. Her uncle (my grandfather's brother) said Bob's too old for her. My grand dad asked him how old he thought my mom was, and he thought for sure she was 35. My brother's about 31, so I can only guess he thinks my brother is barely out of high school! Either that, or my mom adopted. hmmmm......that would explain some things.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The great thing about mothers is their uncanny ability to know when you need to hear something. Like when you think things aren't going nearly as well as you had planned them to, and that no one could give a rat fuck about your problems, here comes mom telling you how proud she is of you, and that everything will be ok.

Go mom.

In other news, I have gone against my new policy of not reading books I have already read and gone back to the Prisoner of Azkaban in the Potter series. I figure I read these books fast enough that I can read from there to the Half Blood Prince by November, if not sooner. As long as I can get to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia by the time the movie comes out in December, I'll be happy, so I'll take the risk. :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Bad Filters

I need new filters. And an oil change, some new tires, and maybe a memory wipe. I had my first session with the new therapist tonight. He seems like a nice guy. He's not placating or waiting for me to answer my own questions. I like that. But my homework this week is to figure out what filters I have placed in my mind to help me understand what people are saying to me. Right now, it looks like all of my filters are geared toward self defense and preservation, so I have to delve back into my past and identify what these filters are. Then we'll work on understanding why they're there, and finally remaking them so that I don't take what people say to heart, or the wrong way, or completely misundestand them like I do at the moment. Ah, therapy.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Moving Day

Lots of stuff happening today. If you pay attention to my sidebar at all, you will notice that I have started a new book that does not have "Star Wars" in the title. That is because I have finally finished the 20-odd book long New Jedi Order series. It was a great series. lots of twists and turns, along with some surprises I never thought the series was capable of until I read it. So I've moved on there. I've also bought a new car. Couldn't pass up the deal I got, as it was $4,000 cheaper than the Blue Book price for it. So hopefully I won't be paying many repair costs in the near future. Just monthly car payments. :p Oh well. The peeps at the house wanted my old car as the backup in case someone needs to use a car when theirs breaks down. So I was going to have to replace it regardless. Now I have a 2004 Oldsmobile Alero. Nice car. basically the same as my pontiac, only newer. Yum! And I now have high speed internet. granted, I didn't get the deal I wanted ($20 a month forever) but I'll be paying the same for a cable connection that I currently pay for dial up. So I can't complain. Now I just have to pay all these new monthly bills! Gah!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


I have no good reason to post anything today. But I figure my fans don't care what I've done, they just want to live vicariously through me. Plus I wanted to update my sidebar. :)

Went to a chinese buffet last night. Now I remember why I stopped going to them in the first place. Sucked my ass, but the waitresses were all cutie pie little asian girls. Yum Yum! Then went to see the new Duece Bigalow with my ambiguously gay friend. Neither of us are gay mind you, but when you go and hang out with your peeps afterwards, and they ask you what you've been up to, and you say you caught dinner & a movie with your guy friend, you kind of leave yourself open to those sorts of comments. ;p I must admit though, I think I'm getting better at handling people's comments. It's just a matter of understanding that they wouldn't say it if they thought it would really hurt my feelings. I just know I can't give it back. My snide comments usually hurt people's feelings. Gotta work on that some more I guess. :)

I have refound my dry erase board and have given it a good once over to get all the cobwebs off it. Now I have a visual reminder of what I have to do to get the art done. First, finish open paintings. Second, Update my website, especially getting the sketchbook part up. Third, Collect all of my receipts for things like printing my book, paint supplies, mailing costs, etc. so if I actually make some money this year, I have it all ready for my taxes. Fourth, Start new projects. Have to keep the juices flowing. And finally, Clean the fucking place up a bit. It's not messy, just unorganized. know what I mean?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Didn't go to the museum. Went golfing instead. Good times. Though it rained some and I was my usual, inconsistent self. But I still played pretty well for my standards, so yeah. I don't really know what I'm talking about right now. But I figured you might want to know. :)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Painting's good, mmkay.

I wish I could do this all day every day. Eventually I will, and life will be good. But for now I only have Sayurdays to look forward to. I do get some drawing done during the week, which helps me prepare for painting on the weekend. Now I just have to finish my paintings. :p I think I'm going to see the Delaware Art Museum again tomorrow. I want to go a lot. See the early Illustrator's works as often as I can. It helps me keep focused.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Four years ago today my father passed away. Miss ya man.

Monday, August 01, 2005

This too, shall pass.

Hopefully sooner than later. It all started last Wednesday when my car stalled on one of the busier highways during rush hour. That was fun. Watching 20 cars and a couple semis either slam on their brakes or swerve at the last second. So I finally got it started again, and trundled it down to my uncle's shop (where it still resides). And not 20 minutes after I get home I get another surprise. Now this is very embaressing and quite awkward in nature, so if you have a light stomach, don't read until there's a break in the paragraph....still there?....ok. So I've had this rash around my lower abdomen, upper legs, yada yada yada, for the last few weeks. I thought it might be jock itch, as I've never had it before. Well, as some of the rash went away, I saw little brown spots in place of the red ones. I figured it was just dried skin, like a scab or something. That was until I saw one of them move!! I freaked. Crabs came to mind immediately. So I went to the pharmacy, got some lice shampoo and proceeded to cover my entire hairy ass body in this goo. At least they made it smell like watermelon. So I took the next day off, saw the doctor, and it seems you can't have crabs /all/ over your body. I had body lice. Yum. You can get it from staying in hotels or beds or touching clothing that has them on it. So be wary of strange bedrooms. ;)

Anyway, for those of you who skipped to this point, wussies. But you're probably not scarred for the rest of your life either, so good call. And so I go car shopping tomorrow, along with mowing the lawn! WOO!! I love it. Drrrroooooollll........