Saturday, August 13, 2005


I have no good reason to post anything today. But I figure my fans don't care what I've done, they just want to live vicariously through me. Plus I wanted to update my sidebar. :)

Went to a chinese buffet last night. Now I remember why I stopped going to them in the first place. Sucked my ass, but the waitresses were all cutie pie little asian girls. Yum Yum! Then went to see the new Duece Bigalow with my ambiguously gay friend. Neither of us are gay mind you, but when you go and hang out with your peeps afterwards, and they ask you what you've been up to, and you say you caught dinner & a movie with your guy friend, you kind of leave yourself open to those sorts of comments. ;p I must admit though, I think I'm getting better at handling people's comments. It's just a matter of understanding that they wouldn't say it if they thought it would really hurt my feelings. I just know I can't give it back. My snide comments usually hurt people's feelings. Gotta work on that some more I guess. :)

I have refound my dry erase board and have given it a good once over to get all the cobwebs off it. Now I have a visual reminder of what I have to do to get the art done. First, finish open paintings. Second, Update my website, especially getting the sketchbook part up. Third, Collect all of my receipts for things like printing my book, paint supplies, mailing costs, etc. so if I actually make some money this year, I have it all ready for my taxes. Fourth, Start new projects. Have to keep the juices flowing. And finally, Clean the fucking place up a bit. It's not messy, just unorganized. know what I mean?

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