Wednesday, September 14, 2005


So I didn't drink at the party on Saturday. Wasn't too happy about it, but I was feeling vindictive and wanted to really stick it to my brother for thinking I'm an alcoholic. But, after talking to some people I trust, I've decided I'm right and I shouldn't handcuff myself to make someone else feel better. So I had a few beers on Sunday during the games. I'm glad. And while I'm glad my brother and others care, I shouldn't have to tailor my life to accomodate them. The therapist agrees wholeheartedly. I was almost wondering if he was going to say I don't need to see him every week, but he wants money, so he didn't. :p In other news, I will be going on a date Sunday morning. I know, the morning? Me? Should be interesting. But I like pancakes on Sunday morning, and there is a gallery up in PA that's free till noon on Sundays, so it'll be a cheap date, and I can kill two birds with one stone. :)

1 comment:

Tessa said...

I like how you switch from swearing and drinking to Sunday morning dates :) You're such a versitile guy! Enjoy the date.