Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yummy! :P

Had a great time last night. And it's Fondue, not Fondu. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle! G.I. Joe!!!

It was a pretty cool place. Not as expensive as I feared, but that's probably because I had built this $100 ticket in my head. :p It was about $60 which was fine. The guy made our cheese dish right there in front of us and I was surprised that as hot as the cheese had to be to melt and stay that way, that once you dipped something into it and pulled it out, it cooled immediately. Then we had some salad, and finally they brought out this very flavorful pot of broth and an assortment of raw meats and fish. Didn't know I had to cook it myself though!! Sheesh. That's all I need. I can either give her e-coli or salmanila. Pick your poison!! But I think everything cooked up well enough, except the potatoes. I kept pulling them out, thinking they were done, but they never did completely cook. :p So that was all wonderful. Then we went to the riverfront area downtown. It's been built up over the last few years and has outlet stores and nice restaurants, but the main feature last night was the walk along the water. Very nice. Very romantic. Had a great time. We were going to do something on Saturday together, and still are, but we both can't wait to see each other again, so we're going to chill at her place on Thursday, which is tomorrow!! Yikes! I just realized that! lol. OK. Must try to work now.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Is this the girl you had your Sunday morning date with? Whatever happened to that?