Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Well well well. Looks like picking up a few extra hours at Waldenbooks has turned into about 3 nights a week and less time to do anything around the house. Of course, this didn't stop me from going to Wal-Mart to pick up my copy of the Star Wars Trilogy! MWHAHAHAH!!! $40 no less! What a bargain! I don't care what people say about them being the evil empire and what not. They price according to my liking. :p I couldn't find it anywhere else for less then $60. So I will be watching that with what time I do have to myself. Though I should get some painting done sooner or later. Tough part is, I work tomorrow night too, then it's off to Reading, PA with a buddy of mine to see Jamie McMurray (Nascar driver) then Friday, well, it's Friday. And Saturday I'm off to see the races. (well, the race is actually on Sunday, but you usually make a whole weekend of it.) Ah, the busy life I lead. :p

Friday, September 17, 2004

I started working at a kiosk owned by Waldenbooks last night. It's just a calendar dealy, but I like it because I'm by myself and can just do my won thing. And apparently my own thing involves asking really odd questions to myself. For instance. Why is it that if you look at ears long enough, they seem to be completely aestetically displeasing to the eye. I mean, think about it! Here are these two pieces of cartlidge or whatever just hanging off the sides of our heads. They're not smooth or round or even remotely normal looking if you take them by themselves. And then there are the variations! Large ears on small heads. Small ears on large heads. Ears that come out for a mile from someone's head, or ears that seem to barely pull themselves away from the skull. I'm starting to sound like a Dr. Suess story, but it almost feels like you're staring at something out of one. Just try it some time. Find a bench or someplace to observe people sometime and just look at their ears. Don't focus on them so much as you do the ears and I think you'll see that it almost becomes some wierd alien growth coming off the side of people's heads more then it is the vessel of one of our 5 senses. **shudder**

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

If I could get through one week at work without having something come back to bite me in the ass, I just might be able to sleep easier at night. Today it was a customer who had made a large deposit we put a hold on. (Banks are legally allowed to put holds on funds from checks if we think the check may be bad) Well, I put the hold on, but didn't send them the letter that states we did it. So of course we got a call today and everyone went crazy that I hadn't sent the letter. It's probably the first time I've done that, but it just makes life that much less fun there. Going to Waldenbooks (which is like a mental ward in itself) is almost like a getaway compared to the stress of waiting for the next error in judgement to come back at me. I figure it'll come down to me not quitting, or getting fired, but ending up on the witness stand because I unkowingly helped someone defraud the bank or another person. Ah, life is just.......yummy. But besides that, things are well. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

If you haven't read the DaVinci Code yet, well, it ain't the most amazing book in the world. The story is pretty weak, but the concepts and issues it raises are awe-inspiring. I've actually moved on to another book called The DaVinci Code: Decoded. It covers all the research Dan Brown did on the book (because he basically states at the onset that all the concepts and theories he puts forth in the book are true) and tells you what the research is all about. He doesn't make judgements on Brown's book itself, he just tells you about the stories behind the theories. I'm also going to read some of the books that attack Brown's theories, but I like reading the ones that have an unbiased opinion first. So that's taken up a lot of my time recently. I actually had a long conversation with my mom and sister about it tonight, which was cool, since we haven't had a long discussion about anything in a pretty darn long time.

And my football teams all lost this week!! WAAAAAHH!!!! Oh well. It's not how you start, it's how you finish. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's been one hell of a week, that's for sure. Had Monday off which always helps, but on Tuesday, right at the end of the dday (as it always does) this customer comes in all pissed off. Closes her accounts and we come to find out that her and her husband are on the outs and at some point he got a hold of an account number that he was not a part of. And a teller had given him the balance in that account. Now it eventually came out that it wasn't me, but she said he had told her a guy had given him the balance. ie; ME! And I think I actually did, but the dates don't match up on the stories. Anyway, I figured I should probably just quit to make it all better for everyone. I had my letter of resignation all ready and everything on Wednesday and spent the day debating whether or not I should turn it in. I ended up deciding that if I was going to get fired, they would have done it by now, but since they are in a bad spot staffing wise, they really can't. So I guess I'll stay around as long as they're willing to pay me (overtime no less because we're shortstaffed!). And so that was my week at work. Yippee doodah. And after that it's just been business as usual. Though now I have money!! YAY!! So I shall be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Star Wars trilogy on September 21st!! MWHAHAH!!!! Oh, and football starts today. So my Sundays are full till February.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

So I have shaved off the beard. Seems some grandmothers want to introduce me to their grandaughters and a beard is apparantly not my way to make a good first impression. So my face is back from vacation. Of course, work has been work, what with being shortstaffed and all. Though I am getting overtime which will help my pocketbook a bit. Plus Waldenbooks scheduled me for MOnday (Labor Day) and they pay time and a half also!! Yay!! So money money money. Now i need to figure out some time off! Hopefully New Hampshire will be in my sights later this month, or early next, and then Syracuse in October or November. It really depends. Schedules are a hell of a thing.