Tuesday, September 14, 2004

If you haven't read the DaVinci Code yet, well, it ain't the most amazing book in the world. The story is pretty weak, but the concepts and issues it raises are awe-inspiring. I've actually moved on to another book called The DaVinci Code: Decoded. It covers all the research Dan Brown did on the book (because he basically states at the onset that all the concepts and theories he puts forth in the book are true) and tells you what the research is all about. He doesn't make judgements on Brown's book itself, he just tells you about the stories behind the theories. I'm also going to read some of the books that attack Brown's theories, but I like reading the ones that have an unbiased opinion first. So that's taken up a lot of my time recently. I actually had a long conversation with my mom and sister about it tonight, which was cool, since we haven't had a long discussion about anything in a pretty darn long time.

And my football teams all lost this week!! WAAAAAHH!!!! Oh well. It's not how you start, it's how you finish. :)

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