Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's been one hell of a week, that's for sure. Had Monday off which always helps, but on Tuesday, right at the end of the dday (as it always does) this customer comes in all pissed off. Closes her accounts and we come to find out that her and her husband are on the outs and at some point he got a hold of an account number that he was not a part of. And a teller had given him the balance in that account. Now it eventually came out that it wasn't me, but she said he had told her a guy had given him the balance. ie; ME! And I think I actually did, but the dates don't match up on the stories. Anyway, I figured I should probably just quit to make it all better for everyone. I had my letter of resignation all ready and everything on Wednesday and spent the day debating whether or not I should turn it in. I ended up deciding that if I was going to get fired, they would have done it by now, but since they are in a bad spot staffing wise, they really can't. So I guess I'll stay around as long as they're willing to pay me (overtime no less because we're shortstaffed!). And so that was my week at work. Yippee doodah. And after that it's just been business as usual. Though now I have money!! YAY!! So I shall be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Star Wars trilogy on September 21st!! MWHAHAH!!!! Oh, and football starts today. So my Sundays are full till February.

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