Friday, September 17, 2004

I started working at a kiosk owned by Waldenbooks last night. It's just a calendar dealy, but I like it because I'm by myself and can just do my won thing. And apparently my own thing involves asking really odd questions to myself. For instance. Why is it that if you look at ears long enough, they seem to be completely aestetically displeasing to the eye. I mean, think about it! Here are these two pieces of cartlidge or whatever just hanging off the sides of our heads. They're not smooth or round or even remotely normal looking if you take them by themselves. And then there are the variations! Large ears on small heads. Small ears on large heads. Ears that come out for a mile from someone's head, or ears that seem to barely pull themselves away from the skull. I'm starting to sound like a Dr. Suess story, but it almost feels like you're staring at something out of one. Just try it some time. Find a bench or someplace to observe people sometime and just look at their ears. Don't focus on them so much as you do the ears and I think you'll see that it almost becomes some wierd alien growth coming off the side of people's heads more then it is the vessel of one of our 5 senses. **shudder**

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