Sunday, October 31, 2004

How much can change in a day or two? Oh, just about a whole lot! I don't know where this is all going, but now it seems that I'm an addictive person to be around, and my lady friend is an addict. :p She is a wonderfully nice change from the list of crazies and snobs I've been seeing lately, and I would like to think something meaningful can come of this, but I'm not going to get ahead of the good times I'm having right now. And one of the nice parts is that she's so busy during the week, she really can't spare time for me, which will mean I can get some painting done during the week and have plans for the weekend! Woo!! I must now stop, before I get myself too excited and make an accident. lol

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Man. Traffic is getting crazy out there. It's like Christmas. Only....not. People all over the place, flying here there and everywhere. Jumping lanes and cutting people off. Ah. It must be getting close to winter. Whenever the weather gets worse, people's driving does too. yay. Thank god I'm just staying in today and cleaning and working on some art. I don't think I can handle all the craziness. Of course this also means I have no social life, but what the hell. Where has that gotten me recently. :p I do appreciate the random call from time to time though. (hint hint)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

LOL!! Well, if that doesn't beat all. And here I thought I could shake the curse of not saying anything about a girl I was dating without her immediatly dumping me! Yup! That's right! Not an hour after I posted that last bit, did she not get online and say she didn't think things would work out between us. Somethng about how I work jobs and she has a career and blah blah blah. I'm disappointed, yes. But I can't be mad at her. She is really cool, and we may end up being friends, but this is why I don't get attached anymore. She was wondering why I didn't put any moves on her in the first date. THIS IS THE REASON WHY!!! Because you get this idea that something's there, and as soon as you feel complacent, bam! There it goes. Bye bye, ciao ciao. So long. Oh well. Gives me more time to paint I guess.
I don't know why I did it, but I somehow got dragged back into this dating thing once again. Oddly enough, this new girl is quite nice. Very intelligent, very rich (lol, I'm not a gold-digger, she contacted me), and is quite cute, although somehwat overweight, but it works for her. But she's a workaholic, so it's tough sometimes figuring out whether I'm bothering her, or if she's just busy and can't take time to make sure I'm being treated like the inner child I want to be. :p I guess I'll just have to maintain. It's not like we've been together forever or anything, but you just know it could be good sometimes. Like you know about a good melon.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Some things aren't much sweeter then seeing the Yankees and their punk ass, jerk off fans, getting swept by the BoSox after being up 3-0 in a best of seven series. :p MWHAHAHA!!! Divine intervention is a wonderful thing. Other than that, my week has been pretty blah so far. I took the day off yesterday because of headaches and slept till about 12:30. Did nothing all day and that was good. Today I made up for it by working both jobs and drinking a crap load of coffee. And you know you've made it when the guy at Dunkin' Donuts remembers you on sight! He likes to give me freebies too! Too bad I'm trying to watch my girlish figure.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sitting around, sick in bed all day will do three things to you. First, you'll watch a lot of TV. Second, you'll do a lot of thinking. And third, because of all the sleeping you've done during the day, you can't get to bed at night. So what better time to do a little blogging. I somehow managed to watch Down with Love, Something's Gotta Give, and When Harry Met Sally all in one day. And of course it does the one thing I don't really care to do right now, make me think about relationships. It's funny how you run so hard from something, yet it keeps pullin gyou back in. I feel like AL Pacino in the Godfather. Some day I'll have my head around my own life, and maybe I'll be able to enjoy life with someone else. Of course, the question begs to be asked, does anyone ever have a complete handle on their situation? I always laugh at people who say they aren't ready for kids yet. Either they don't have enough money, or time, or whatever to afford one, but in all honesty, no one is ever ready. You just do it because that's how it goes. You handle the situation, it becomes another part of your life that you deal with. Same thing with love. Too bad I seem to handle it badly. Case in point. This girl at the jewelers next door. Tried to ask her out, it bombed. Another girl I tried to meet up with, totally trashed when I got there and being hit on about 3 or 4 guys while she was in said condition. Not the kind of girl for me. And then there's the 54 year old who is most likely either too busy, or not interested. Whatever the case, it's funny how the comedy of errors piles up after a while. Not that I'm complaining. I don't have any regrets about how things have turned out. I just look at it all in retrospect and chalk it up to life's ups and downs. I've had great times, I've had bad times, but they all helped me be who I am today (for better or worse). And I think I'm at the point now where I'm just thinking out loud. So I should probably stop. There's always tomorrow..... ;)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Another crash and burn, you'd think I would learn. I've been talking to some people about a new girl at the jewler's next door. She's been in a few times, we talk we laugh, and I've talked to some of the people there, and they make it out like she's somewhat interested in me. Ok. Fine. I figure you can't be a pussy and not ask someone out for fear of rejection. It's not even that anymore, I just don't like making things awkward between customers and myself. Well, I tried. And I got about as much reaction as you would from hitting a parapalegic in the chest with a basbeall bat. She just said she's kind of busy and that was about it. I figure if she's playing hard to get, she's playing it with the wrong guy. I don't have time for petty shit like that. Let the next sucker chase after her. I have plenty of ho's waiting in the wings anyway. LoL. If nothing else, at least my personal life outside of relationships is going well. I did read this article on yesterday that said 1 out of 100 people are potentially asexual. This means they have no preference for sex, not that they don't have sex organs. And their criteria for this was that the person responded as not having sex for over a year, and felt that they were either very happy with their lives as is, or extremely happy. I thought this was a very stupid way to determine if someone is asexaul. I mean, I've gone a couple years without sex and still have a very good idea of myself and my life. But that hasn't stopped me and my hand from having a very personal and one-on-one relatinship. Sheesh, being asexual is so confusing. Guess that's why they're making t-shirts now that say "Asexuality isn't just for Ameobas Anymore." It's a 2-celled organism problem now.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Yeah. It's been a while. Again. Seems I've been busy the last few weeks. Alumni weekend at the 'Cuse. Working two jobs. Painting up a storm (which basically works as a third job). And the longer my hair gets, the more women want me. MWHAHAHA!!! I'm like Samson or something. Went out for a nice date with an old friend while back at school. And now that I'm back is seems like every girl I walk into wants a date. But that's cool, because I'm not really looking, but I don't mind going out to do stuff with women. As always, when you could care less about it, that's when it comes looking for you. But enough about me. How about that presidential debate?!! I've never seen a country so divided over something like this before. Though I'm most definitely on Kerry's side, I almost wonder what kinds of troubles he's going to get us into. Because I'm sure his presidency won't be empty of stupid mistakes and faux pas'. But anything has to be better then Mr. Jackass Angry Man himself. Little bastard.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Hey!! How are ya?!! Doing good I hope. I myself have been a busy little bee. A busy little bee indeed. Sunday was awesome. The Nascar race was loud and fast as expected. The ride home was ironicly quiet and sloooooow. Way too much traffic. But the race itself was just crazy. Tuesday we had the storm of the year and I had to stay at my aunt's house because all the roads to my house were flooded. And ugh, this basement stunk for a few days. It's ok now, since we took the whole door off in anticipation of a replacement. :) And speaking of replacements, I moved into my sister's old room. Yay!! More space. Nice, hardwood flooring instead of the paper-thin rug. But I think I might buy an area rug, because sound just travels waaaay too easily in there. I need my privacy damnit!! So I've been spending what free time I've had up there, moving junk around and doing laundry (which needed to be done baaaadly) It was funny though. Some of my sister's pictures are still up on the wall. There is one set she has of all the Delaware cousins at a party a couple years ago. And right underneath of that is a pic of all the cousins from Kentucky. I'm wearing the same shirt in BOTH pictures!!! It's like I'm a hermit or something! I think I'm going to burn that shirt, just to make sure it doesn't end up in any more pictures. And now I must