Friday, October 15, 2004

Another crash and burn, you'd think I would learn. I've been talking to some people about a new girl at the jewler's next door. She's been in a few times, we talk we laugh, and I've talked to some of the people there, and they make it out like she's somewhat interested in me. Ok. Fine. I figure you can't be a pussy and not ask someone out for fear of rejection. It's not even that anymore, I just don't like making things awkward between customers and myself. Well, I tried. And I got about as much reaction as you would from hitting a parapalegic in the chest with a basbeall bat. She just said she's kind of busy and that was about it. I figure if she's playing hard to get, she's playing it with the wrong guy. I don't have time for petty shit like that. Let the next sucker chase after her. I have plenty of ho's waiting in the wings anyway. LoL. If nothing else, at least my personal life outside of relationships is going well. I did read this article on yesterday that said 1 out of 100 people are potentially asexual. This means they have no preference for sex, not that they don't have sex organs. And their criteria for this was that the person responded as not having sex for over a year, and felt that they were either very happy with their lives as is, or extremely happy. I thought this was a very stupid way to determine if someone is asexaul. I mean, I've gone a couple years without sex and still have a very good idea of myself and my life. But that hasn't stopped me and my hand from having a very personal and one-on-one relatinship. Sheesh, being asexual is so confusing. Guess that's why they're making t-shirts now that say "Asexuality isn't just for Ameobas Anymore." It's a 2-celled organism problem now.

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