Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Yeah. It's been a while. Again. Seems I've been busy the last few weeks. Alumni weekend at the 'Cuse. Working two jobs. Painting up a storm (which basically works as a third job). And the longer my hair gets, the more women want me. MWHAHAHA!!! I'm like Samson or something. Went out for a nice date with an old friend while back at school. And now that I'm back is seems like every girl I walk into wants a date. But that's cool, because I'm not really looking, but I don't mind going out to do stuff with women. As always, when you could care less about it, that's when it comes looking for you. But enough about me. How about that presidential debate?!! I've never seen a country so divided over something like this before. Though I'm most definitely on Kerry's side, I almost wonder what kinds of troubles he's going to get us into. Because I'm sure his presidency won't be empty of stupid mistakes and faux pas'. But anything has to be better then Mr. Jackass Angry Man himself. Little bastard.

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