Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The great thing about mothers is their uncanny ability to know when you need to hear something. Like when you think things aren't going nearly as well as you had planned them to, and that no one could give a rat fuck about your problems, here comes mom telling you how proud she is of you, and that everything will be ok.

Go mom.

In other news, I have gone against my new policy of not reading books I have already read and gone back to the Prisoner of Azkaban in the Potter series. I figure I read these books fast enough that I can read from there to the Half Blood Prince by November, if not sooner. As long as I can get to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia by the time the movie comes out in December, I'll be happy, so I'll take the risk. :)

1 comment:

nat said...

Well as long as you get through Goblet of Fire before the film comes out (have seen trailer, looks good), then you can skip right through to The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe as it is superior wotsit. (That trailer scares me, don't wreck the book pleeeeease!) Mmm, Narnia.

If I ever get the the cinema that is. Haven't been since I saw (or rather heard) War of the Worlds. Although I did watch Kingdom of Heaven on DVD, does that count?

Yay, commentspam. Yay. Too much chocolate.