Sunday, May 30, 2004

YEs. I've been busy. Busy trying to not get fired (read previous posts), busy playing this whole dating game, busy taking people's money on the golf course. Just busy busy busy. Went out Friday night with some peeps from the fam. We bowled. I made them sweat for a few frames as I dazzled with my amazingly straight throws and knockout strikes. Then the wheels came off the cart and I stunk it up from there on out. I guess my average score is about an 85. I'm great at bowling. Last night I went out with my yahoo girlfriend again. She wants me bad. She has big boobs. I almost gave in and did it with her, but I just don't think it would be right. DAMN MY MORALS!! And today I played golf. Woke up late so I was doing 90 down I-95 to get to the course on time. I just barely made it. And my team won our round, so I picked up $30 in the process. Huzzah!! And now I am fat and happy from the barbeque at my uncle's place. All hail baby back ribs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

You'd be surprised how much a simple thing as a tshirt design can become a major headache. The first one I did a month ago was fine. I did it, emailed it, and boom, done. This latest one is in it's third form now, and it's just frustrating. I had to break it up into layers. Stupid me thought they meant layers of objects (like this character has his own layer and that character has theirs) but the printers needed it broken up by color. Fucking duh!! It's screenprinting, I should I have known that. They print from the lightest color to the darkest, black being the last (which would be all the line drawing). So I got that done. NOw they can't read the disk I put it on. So I have to email them this file which is about 4 MEG!!! It's huge!! Even compressing it into a zip file (too much to explain if you don't already know what it is) it'll be like a MEG. Then I have to email it to them. ugh. Good luck downloading that bitch. :p
Anyway, that's my dilemma. yippee.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Went out on another date last night. We saw Shrek 2. Really great movie, though I think I'm going to see it again some time, because we were about 2 rows back, so we were WAY too close, and it was like social hour. There were all these kids and teenagers, and no one wants to shut the f up. That's why I hate going to opening weekend movies. Unless it's during the day. Usually you don't get as many kids. Adults at least know when to shut up. (mostly :p )

After that, it's basically survival mode at the job. Ran into some troubl yesterday when I took some money from the vault to make change for a customer and couldn't remember that I took a tray of quarters (which equals $100) or a wrap of $1 bills (which also equals $100) and we were trying to figure this all out after we closed. Took us till 7 o clock, but it got fixed, thank god. Of course this also meant I was scrambling to get to the date. ah. the spice of life. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I think I've finally figured out my little "bug" problem. I've had this damn website insinuate itself as my home page a week or so ago, and after many updates to my spyware detectors, I think I've managed to at least quarentine the problem if not destroy it. Huzzah!! Now if only my job were going so well. Seems I may have to look for a new one soon. See, when you work for a bank, you only get so many mistakes in a year. And you're only allowed so much money to be off in a year. And I have somehow managed to hit my limits on both in only 5 months. :\ So if I make one or two more mistakes within the calendar year, they have to fire me. No matter how much they like me. So I'm a little ticked at myself for that. Someday I'll find a job I like and can keep I guess. Just not today. :p Though being sick hasn't helped other. Just a nasal thing, but I think that's the reason I missed $20 today and had to take the hit. I hate the mornings. :\

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Didn't wake up till 2 today. Oh, I opened my eyes a few times, tossed and turned a bit, but for the most part, I enjoyed my bed overly much. Ren into an old friend today which was good. Haven't seen him in about 10 years or so. Seems I've been talking to a lot of people lately that I didn't expect to talk to ever again. Jenn, Michelle (my first girlfriend), TOny (the guy I ran into today). World is quite crazy like that. What goes around comes around. Must mean I didn't piss anyone off too much. :p

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Went out on a date for the first time in a long time last night. It was a pretty good time. She's pretty enough I guess. Likes to talk. Has things to say. Good enough for me right now. :) (can't be too picky these days). Saw Van Helsing. NOt as bad as people have made it out to be. Some of the story was kind of goofy, but nothing horrible. Today is my sister's engagement party. Have some family in from Kentucky which is nice. We'll see how this all pans out, what with severe thunderstorms due by the time the thing starts. But I must be responsible now and help set up, so ciao!

Monday, May 10, 2004

Ah, life. It's a fickle thing. Things have been good. Played pretty well on the course yesterday, though I managed to sprain my ankle on the 17th fairway. And it sucked, because I had a 60 pound bag on my back!! Luckily today it's better. I can't afford any more bad ankle injuries. They'll need to amputate on the next one! Going to see the Blue Rocks tomorrow night. They're the local baseball team by the way. Single-A affiliate for the Kansas City Royals. It's a good family event sort of thing, so a bunch of the peeps from work and I are going to go. Should be fun. And finally, in the "work is futile" department, I was working on another t-shirt design Saturday night and had it working great. It was about two thirds of the way done and I decided to take a break and come back to it. Well, when I came back and went to save it THE FUCKING PROGRAM CRASHED!!! GAH!!!! And I told them I would have it done by Tuesday!! So I am now going to spend the rest of the night trying to get this damn thing done. Wish me luck......ugh

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Well. It was just about everything I expected. there were about 240,000 people at Churchill Downs between the two days of racing and it was packed!! I spent about 16 hours on average at the track since we had to man a booth at the paddock selling memorabilia to get in for free, but most of my time was spent running around with Nick (my cousin for those who aren't in the know), seeing how many places our employee passes could get us into. Pretty much everywhere it seems. :) I think I saw races from every angle on the track. The infield. Millionaire's row (were the important people are supposed to be I guess), different parts of the grandstand, and the paddock. Big screen TVs everywhere so you can see the race while they run on the other side of the track from you. The weather was utter crap, but it didn't stop people from having a good time. Even when it was raining like the end of the world! I loved it. I have tons of stories, but they'd take forever to tell on here. Good times though. And some awesome pics. :)