Tuesday, May 25, 2004

You'd be surprised how much a simple thing as a tshirt design can become a major headache. The first one I did a month ago was fine. I did it, emailed it, and boom, done. This latest one is in it's third form now, and it's just frustrating. I had to break it up into layers. Stupid me thought they meant layers of objects (like this character has his own layer and that character has theirs) but the printers needed it broken up by color. Fucking duh!! It's screenprinting, I should I have known that. They print from the lightest color to the darkest, black being the last (which would be all the line drawing). So I got that done. NOw they can't read the disk I put it on. So I have to email them this file which is about 4 MEG!!! It's huge!! Even compressing it into a zip file (too much to explain if you don't already know what it is) it'll be like a MEG. Then I have to email it to them. ugh. Good luck downloading that bitch. :p
Anyway, that's my dilemma. yippee.

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