Sunday, May 30, 2004

YEs. I've been busy. Busy trying to not get fired (read previous posts), busy playing this whole dating game, busy taking people's money on the golf course. Just busy busy busy. Went out Friday night with some peeps from the fam. We bowled. I made them sweat for a few frames as I dazzled with my amazingly straight throws and knockout strikes. Then the wheels came off the cart and I stunk it up from there on out. I guess my average score is about an 85. I'm great at bowling. Last night I went out with my yahoo girlfriend again. She wants me bad. She has big boobs. I almost gave in and did it with her, but I just don't think it would be right. DAMN MY MORALS!! And today I played golf. Woke up late so I was doing 90 down I-95 to get to the course on time. I just barely made it. And my team won our round, so I picked up $30 in the process. Huzzah!! And now I am fat and happy from the barbeque at my uncle's place. All hail baby back ribs.

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