Thursday, July 29, 2004

Had a really crappy day at work today, but I've decided there's not much I can do about how things shake out there, so no use complaining.  So I've decided to talk about a dream I had last night that involved my dad.  The anniversary of his death is coming up on the 4th, and I guess it's on the mind, but I had this crazy dream that had me laughing one second and crying the next.  It started out with me and some other people (never really saw them, but it felt like other family members)  in this house out in the country or somewhere non-city-like and we get this call from some guy who says he's got our father.  Not like ransom or anything like that, but that he cloned him or found some way to bring him back.  Something like that.  So we decide to go meet up with him.  And I know my mom was with me in the car, and maybe someone else, but I only remember her sitting next to me.  So we get to this restaurant that has a serving window, and I ask about my dad.  And the guy at the window says "He's right there."  And points to this plate of eggrolls!  I think my jaw hit the floor.  I was thinking "What the F is this?!!"  I picked one up and almost said "Dad?" when some people yelled over to me from a table over the way.  A wave of relief flooded through me when I realized my father hadn't been brought back as a chinese apetizer, but once I got to the table and saw my dad sitting there eating, laughing, talking, I just lost it.  I'm amazed I didn't wake up from how bad I felt in the dream.  It just hurt a lot.  Then I noticed he had these orangey type highlights in his otherwise black hair.  Of course, anyone who saw him before he died knew he had this reddish color or something dyed in his hair.  I had never seen it before and thought they had done it to get the grey out, until my mom told me he had done it himself.  I thought it was amazingly silly looking, so maybe that's why he looked a bit odd in the dream.  But it was just a very weird dream.  I miss the guy a lot.  Don't think about it like that as much anymore, but I think about him every day, one way or another.  Guess that means something.

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