Wednesday, July 07, 2004

You know what is good? Spaghetti dinner with your grandparents. I go over there every Wednesday to see them and keep them some company. And they love it as much as I do. My grandfather looks forward to it like a child at Christmas. I get calls on my cell if I'm late. They really look forward to it, and so do I. Though today the sauce wasn't burnt. Pop has a nasty habit of leaving the burner on forever and a day, so the sauce kind of gets this very toasty type flavor to it. Today, I could actually taste the tomato in the sauce! LoL. I think it's funny, because my mother and aunt won't even touch his food, but I like the change from non-burnt food. Even his bread is burnt! You'd think the man would check in on his culinary efforts!! But I eat it with relish (not real relish, just a figure of speech kind of relish) and enjoy the crazy stories he tells me afterwards. Like today. He noticed my spiderman tie (which I need a replacement for as this one is getting a little long in the tooth) and immediately broke into a story about how he went to this party once with this HUGE tie! I couldn't think of him wearing something as goofy as that, but he's like that now. He talks all the time. Almost can't get him to shut up at times! Which is funny, because he didn't say word one to anyone when I was a kid. Maybe senility is setting in.....

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