Sunday, July 25, 2004

Went to Kahunaville (caribbean themed restaurant/bar) last night with the girls from work.  It has a deck on the riverfront and has a nice little ambiance.  Around 9 or so the band started up and the girls just kept pouring in.  Lots of young ladies there.  It's fun to look.  Definitely fun.  Wish I could do more, but as with all things, you come up with reasons as to why you can't.  Mine is usually money right now.  Especially now since I think my car is telling me I need new breaks, and oil change, and maybe a new battery.  Ah, the spice of life.  Of well, I'm probably not in a good frame of mind to be dating anyway. I had a dream the other night that I was at this party with friends and was with a girl.  But I ended up dumping her at the end and gave her a list of reasons as to why I didn't want to see her any more. I even signed the damn thing!  And I'm not sure if I needed her to sign it to, but I wouldn't be surprised.  Like I had to have her written consent to agree to the reasons for me dumping her!  It was funny to think about, but I wonder if maybe I'm coming up with reasons why I can't date people.  Things that make you go hmmmmmmm......

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