Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I went walking last night because I couldn't run.  When I got back I went to rest in my bed for a bit and promptly passed out.  THis was at 7:30.  I woke up at 11 or so and figured I might as well stay in bed, seeing as staying up till 2 in the morning wouldn't help me in the least.  So I had a nice, full night of rest.  Actually showed up to work early this morning instead of just in time!  Go me right?!  Wrong.  I had to be at a company-wide meeting at 8 am at another branch.  It was already getting toward 8:30.  So I hauled ass over to the other branch and of course EVERY branch manager in the northern district was there.  Including mine!  I figure I'm in for it tomorrow when she gets back from all the other meetings she had today.  But I haven't messed up much of anything recently, so I shouldn't get yelled at too much.....I hope. :P

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