Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I had one of those dreams last night where you wake up afterwards saying things to yourself like "Holy beJesus!" Or "What the hell?!" I dreamt I was working some part time job, something like a catering service I guess because there was a party and all these people from some family having a good time. I was just hanging around, shooting the breeze with random people when this Indian or Pakistani or Basically MIddle Eastern guy came up to me and said he needed me to stay later to help out with some stuff. I looked at the clock, and it was about 11:30, and I knew my shift ended at 10. So I said I couldn't, I wanted to get home and go to bed. He started saying I had to, and it blew up from there. We started yelling at each other and all this crazy stuff, and eventually he said he was going to call the cops. I told him to go right ahead. I was within my rights not to work for him, but someone whispered in my ear that his brother was the cop he was calling. Of course I sat there and said "I don't care! I'm right!" yet another time where I can't seem to look past my righteous fury. :p Though I think this whole dream had something to do with working at Waldenbooks last night. The store manager is a complete idiot. She couldn't manager her way out of a paper bag. So of course we got out of there much later then we should have. Luckily I don't have to close with her the rest of the week. But I really need to find another part time job. This one is just retarded. Though the discount and free "rental" of books is nice. :P (I'm such a hypocrite. Yes, I know. It's in my nature.)

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