Friday, February 27, 2004

Life's sweet ironies. I passed this old woman on the way to work this morning and took off at a pretty good clip from her. And of course I hit every light along the way. And no matter how fast I drove, or how sloooooow she drove, she always seemed to be right behind me in my rear view mirror. God I hated that. :) You hear about it all the time. The Tortoise and the Hare. Now, of course, this wouldn't happen every day. most days I would get the lights, or go through them while they're yellow and she would be left behind. But some times, it's just good to be put in your place like that. A small dose of humility. I'm not going to say whether I like it or hate, because really, that's not the issue. It's about knowing that you have a place, and no matter how high or low you are on the totem pole, you're just as special and important and worthy of life as the person next to you. And vice versa.

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