Thursday, February 05, 2004

woke up this morning to drive to work only to find out a watermain had broken on one of the highways I take to the bank, so traffic was just about a bitch. Later in the day I thought I'd inquire about taking full time at the bank, as I was seriously debating just quitting Waldenbooks. Well, debate no longer. I found out the head teller is taking on more account opening sorts of responsibilities, so they were going to hire a new teller and maybe cut back my hours. I of course said FUCK THAT! And took the full time position. The extra I make should cover the amount I'll be losing from Walden's. And I'll be working about 10 hours less a week. So it's probably for the best. But I'll miss my open Wednesdays. Ah, the choices we have to make. :)

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