Thursday, March 25, 2004

One out of two ain't bad. :)

Went to see the pierced girl today. Talked for a bit, made a ham-handed attempt to ask her out and found out she has a boyfriend. A 17-year-old boyfriend no less!! So that prompted the obligatory question of her age. 20. Whew!! Ok. I wasn't robbing the cradle. (too much. :p ) So I moved on to my bank card diva. We emailed little notes back and forth most of the day, and I eventually made it around to saying it was too bad she couldn't come out with us on Friday. Maybe she was available tonight? I thin she went to lunch right around then, because it took about a half an hour to get back to me. And the entire time I'm thinking to myself "I went too far. I've gone too quickly with all this." My fears were assuaged however when she emailed me back saying she would love to, but again, had plans this evening. But she definitely wanted to meet up after I get back from Myrtle. Rah! And she said something about me not even knowing if she was fat and ugly. I said every girl I know says she's fat and ugly, so I don't put much stock in that. She came back and said, "Well, I'd be stupid to say that of myself. I'm a very small, young woman." So she may be a pygmy, but she's probably a cute little midget. :p

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Looks like business has picked up today. Where there were no women in my life outside of, well, nowhere. I now have two rather interesting prospects. One is the Bank Card diva from the parent company of my bank. Really sweet voice, hopefully as hot as she sounds. :p Some of us are going to meet up after work on Friday for some dinner, and I asked her along. She said she couldn't this time, but was definitely interested in doing something as long as I gave her more warning. :p The other is the pierced girl from down the strip mall. She's a bit taller then me, thin, but in a sexy, statuesque sort of way, and has RED hair!! She's about perfect. Though if anything serious started, I'd hope she wouldn't want me to get pierced. I'm a pansy about that kind of thing. I'm taking donuts to her job under the pretense of trying to get her boss to maybe open some accounts, but it'll give me a good chance to ask her out. The only drawback of this is that I have a limited amount of time to ask her out, what with going on vacation next week. Oh well, such is life. I'll take what I can get. :P

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Plausible Deniability. Now there's a term you don't often hear. But it just /sounds/ official. Of course, the only person who ever really uses it is the President when something goes wrong. "I never knew of it! He acted on his own! I have no knowledge of these activities!" Stuff like that. just a random thought.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

I maybe, might, could be meeting a girl tonight. But of course, saying this on here pretty much means that I will /not/ be meeting her tonight. Such is the karma of the dating world. And it better be SUNNY, and WARM, and NOT RAINY, and NOT WINDY down at Myrtle. Because it was like that this morning out on the course, and I can't believe I wasted my money on the experience. ugh. But I got a workout. :) Looking for the positives here!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

It finally happened. I couldn't take it any more and had to go to the doctor to get my finger taken care of. Of course my doctor couldn't take me, but I had to see someone, so the people at the medical center had to take care of business. I won't go into the gory details, but my finger feels better now. Which is good, what with a week left before I go to Myrtle. So after all that, I went to McGlyn's to meet up with the peeps. We hung out there for a while before some of us went to another party over the way. And there were some HOT chicks at this party! I mean, drop dead hot. And close enough to my age to not be illegal. Expcept for one. And of course, that's the one I talked to half the night. She's 19, a mechanic of all things, and hot as all hell. Had these little playboy bunny earrings, a pendant, and a belt with a bunny pendant on the band. Cute shit. But, le sigh, I didn't ask for her number. Might as well stay away from what I can't have. God I need to get laid. lol.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

God damn my finger!! I just lanced the damn thing in two spots. Let's hope this remedies my little "bloated finger" problem. On a brighter note, seems the ladies are coming to me these days! lol. I have two online girlfriends. One's a buddy more like a gf, the other calls me sweetie now! LOL! And I hear the girls up at the Home office are all hot. Hopefully she's not the lone heiffer. And you know my standards aren't all the high, so she'd have to be pretty ugly to qualify for that status. :p And yet /another/ girl (rather militant on the feminist thing, but that's kind of cool too) might be seeing me later tongiht or tomorrow for some coffee and some convo. We'll see how that pans out. Must be diligent with the artwork also. Always helps to be productive on all fronts.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Filed my taxes tonight! Whoopie! I think it's the first time I filed before April in my life! But I can get my returns before I get to Myrtle, so an extra $400 will go well toward my play time. :) And anything I don't spend will go nicely toward my bills. MWHAHAH!! And I have an email girlfriend at the corporate offices. She takes care of bank card services and we flirt like no one's business!! Of course that's about all I do. Flirting's fun though. I can wait for actually dating full time. And I'm going to do a t-shirt design for the Delaware Humane Society. It'll be a small payday, but I can advertise at the event, and people with pets are notorious for wanting pictures, paintings, drawings, whatever for their beloved animals. They get a little goofy, but they pay well.

Friday, March 12, 2004

How an M&M tie can garner so much attention is beyond me, but the damn thing is a conversation starter if I've ever seen one. I like what one lady said though. That it must mean that I'm eye candy. LOL!! I just about fell over! I can live with that stigma. It's a tough life to live, but someone has to be ogled at. It'll be the first time for me. :p

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Got my hair cut today. Though I have to let it grow out some more before I can style it at all. I went to a place one of my customers works at, so it was nice to do a bit of networking. I had trouble trying to tell her about my eyebrows and how I think I need to trim them back some. Just feels silly.

And I got to go undercover to some other banks today. My mission: to get fee schedules for business accounts, and home equity loan rates. My Cover: A young Illustrator who owns his own home (LOL! I know I know. Funny stuff) I even had some of my old business cards, just in case they asked for them. I went to three different places. Only one had any hot chicks. :\ But they had TWO of them, so that kind of made up for the other two spots. :p

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Saw the Passion today. No words can describe it. I didn't like it. Didn't hate it. It was something I felt I needed to watch. And I do think people should watch it, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again. It just goes for your gut. You really start to understand what it meant to lay your life down for a friend. I always thought to myself that I wouldn't be like Peter. I would have been with Jesus the entire time. Fuck that. I would have pussed out too. No one can /willingly/ volunteer for the kind of torture and abuse he went through. It just boggles my mind. Fucking crazy shit. I'm sure I'll keep this one with me for a while. And the lessons learned will most likely be a long time in coming. It's just so much to take in at one time.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Well ain't that some shit. That old lady I was talking about a few weeks back who drove so slow that it was painful was in traffic with me again today. And of course, the same thing happened again!! I couldn't get away from the old bag!! I did towards the end, but basically, she hexed me man!! Some voodoo shit going on right here.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Won $10 at golf. Lost $5 on Nascar. Still came out on top. :) And fucking A!!! I got no sleep this weekend. Friday night at the bar and house party was late, and then last night we went back down to Newark for another party. I felt really good. Didn't touch a drink, and still managed to talk to girls and other folk (though mostly girls) all night long. No action was had, but considering my face looked like a smaller version of the moon, I wasn't in the mental mood to play my cards out. Maybe next time. Ugh....back to work tomorrow. I lover working there, but no matter where I work, I'd love to be able to show up later. :) Mornings suck.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I feel good. Went out with Emil and his gang last night. Was the D.D. becuase i can't drink, what with the cholesterol medication and what not, but had a good time nonetheless. Really felt like part of the group, mingled with the guys, actually talked to a couple of girls. Good times. The only thing I wish I could have worked my way through was my rampant paranoia of my own self confidence. I'm so worried about how I will come off in public, that I'm always self-assessing my actions. Did I say the right thing? Did I stare at them, or just make eye contact? Why do I have 13 fucking zits on my face right now? The zit thing was the worst part. Kept me from really trying to talk to girls. working out is good, but I really need to take a shower right after it. Not an hour or two later, because this zit thing just isn't helping my social agenda. :p But, like I said, I had a good time.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Sometimes a person's life just isn't interesting enough to make a comment on. This is one of those times. :)

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

And so I went and played golf with the guys yesterday (Sunday). And what did I get for my troubles? Two bleeding achilles tendons and some bad golfing. :p Oh well, the food afterward was good. Today I started my classes in lending and risk analysis, and I can honestly say even /I/ am intimidated by the sheer SIZE of some of these words. I have to read passages two or three times just to get the idea of what they're trying to say into my head. Though after 2 hours or so of staring at the screen (it's a CD-Rom course) my brain adjusted to the jargon, and it was easier to pick up. And in a final note of humiliation, I had some fat, ugly, 50 year old lookin' woman proposition me as I left the building. I was just making idle conversation with her and her friend when she said she wouldn't mind if I had bumped into her, and that I could do whatever I wanted. She would pay me. She said it kind of jokingly, but I started to shiver in revulsion. Apparantly a hole and heart beat aren't enough for me yet. :P