Saturday, March 20, 2004

It finally happened. I couldn't take it any more and had to go to the doctor to get my finger taken care of. Of course my doctor couldn't take me, but I had to see someone, so the people at the medical center had to take care of business. I won't go into the gory details, but my finger feels better now. Which is good, what with a week left before I go to Myrtle. So after all that, I went to McGlyn's to meet up with the peeps. We hung out there for a while before some of us went to another party over the way. And there were some HOT chicks at this party! I mean, drop dead hot. And close enough to my age to not be illegal. Expcept for one. And of course, that's the one I talked to half the night. She's 19, a mechanic of all things, and hot as all hell. Had these little playboy bunny earrings, a pendant, and a belt with a bunny pendant on the band. Cute shit. But, le sigh, I didn't ask for her number. Might as well stay away from what I can't have. God I need to get laid. lol.

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