Sunday, January 11, 2004

I think I've finally kicked the flu bug out the door. (Rat bastard that he is. That'll teach him not to pay the rent!!) Now I have to get back to the good eating and exercising to help keep off the weight I lost in the last week. And I don't think much of it was due to the illness. I've been doing pretty well food wise (though tonight was a mental breakdown as I made a run for the border to Taco Bell) and as I can jump back on the stationary bike 3 or 4 times a week, I should be well on my way to the 200 (pound) mark within a month or so. I figure a few pounds every three or four days is more then enough. The bitch will be when I hit about 195. Those last 10 or 15 pounds I want to lose will be there hardest I'm sure.

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