Saturday, January 24, 2004

Sometimes life just deals you fucking lemons, and you either make lemonade, or bitch about all the rotting lemons you've got hanging around you. So I've decided I'm going to have to take Lipitor, regardless of my severe reservations about the drug's long term effects on my body. For those of you who don't know, Lipitor is a cholesterol inhibiting drug. It interacts with your liver to regulate the amount of cholesterol your body produces. The problem is that it could also adversely affect your liver and could cause damage to it. Hence the reason I'm not too keen on taking it. This basically means I won't be able to drink alcohol anymore, which in and of itself isn't the worst thing in the world, but damnit, it'd be nice to have a drink with friends from time to time. Now I have to cut that out. Plus the things I can't eat any more, plus getting guilt trips for all the other things I'm not doing right in other people's eyes. I don't mind hearing constructive criticisms or ideas on how to improve my appearance for women and what not, or how to control my confrontational personality, but when I say "I understand how you feel, but you also have to understand that we're just going to disagree on this subject.", that means I'm done discussing the issue. I don't want to hear /more/ of what the other person thinks I should. Or what I'm doing wrong. I'm just tired of fighting. So yet again, I'll do it someone else's way. I'll just take the damn drug, and if I develop some kind of cancer or something from that, I'm sure I'll be blamed for something I did wrong while I was on the drug. It will never be the drug. It'll be I ate a piece of sausage or something. I was in a room that had second hand smoke, and that caused my cancer of the liver. I can see it now. By the way, I'm mad.

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